Monday, November 17, 2008

4th Grade Expectations the beginning of the school year, the 4th grade students had to write a short essay on "4th Grade Expectations". I want to share Bubby's with you:

"I have a hard time paying attention for reading. I will try harder to stop reading too much here and more at home. I will try to have self-control by not getting mad. I will particpate in Math. I will respect others the way I want to be treated. I will follow directions so that I won't be in trouble. I'll take responsibility to be good. I'll enjoy each other to make friends."

I love this. For so many reasons, but I just absolutely love this and the fact that Bubby came up with it on his own. Some of them make sense (reading too much at school ....he races thru his assignments so that he can read) .... "I will follow directions so that I won't be in trouble" -this is a big thing for him as it really stresses him if rules are broken so he tries really hard to follow directions/rules. But some of them have me absolutely scratching my head and sayin' ...."Wha????" "I will try to have self-control by not getting mad" .....outside of getting mad at me or his dad for discipline (ie, grounding from the PS2 etc) I have never seen this child get "mad" ....or anything even closely resembling "mad". And even his "mad" at being grounded or whatever has never gone beyond a slammed bedroom door. "I will particpate in Math." -I'm not sure what to make of this one. He's stated that Math is his least favorite subject....yet, it's his highest grade, A-. And I love "I'll take responsibility to be good" - this is something for him...a big something. We've been working really hard for...well, for forever... on getting him to take responsibility for his actions etc. His favorite "excuse" is "maybe my medicine isn't working." or "But I didn't take my pill today" (he's on Concerta for his ADHD) .....and we always respond that he has to be responsible for his actions, not his pill...all the pill does is help him concentrate/focus more but that ultimately, he's responsible for his behavior. The last expectation that he lists just breaks my heart.....even with a word or two left out. "I'll enjoy each other to make friends" it's just so damn hard for him to make friends..... but you know what? The ones he does make, he keeps and they're really good friends.

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