LOL....sorry for the squeeing, I never expected to win any kind of blogging award! I need to apologize first and foremost for taking so long to respond to this!
Laura, I'm humbled and thrilled that you thought of me, thank you! You all need to check her out at iamtheglue I think you're quite an amazing person....what with having a newly dx'd kiddo on the spectrum (and plunging head-first into all the reading and researching and googling that goes with it) and spear-heading the pilot Autism Ambassadors group for Derek's school; you also work a FT job that has been stressing you out, suffer physical pains every single day.... you ALSO are an incredible mom to *7* children (shoot me now, gah....I don't know how you do it!). I am tired just *typing* all those things out....and I'm quite sure I didn't hit everything (like, oh, I don't know...cleaning the house? Taking care of hubby? Doing laundry? Etc etc).
Now! It is my turn and here are the rules...
• You must thank the person who has given you the award.
• Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
• Link to the person who has nominated you for the award.
• Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
• Nominate 7 other Kreativ Bloggers.
• Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
• Leave a comment on each of the blogs to let them know they have been nominated.
Seven things about me that are interesting...well, at least seven things about me, lol
1. I crochet to help relieve stress and unwind.
2. I love love love reading!
3. I volunteer with a dog rescue, breed specific Small Paws
4. I absolutely loathe doing laundry
5. I have a secret obsession- I love Kid Rock's music!
6. I am awful at Mafia Wars on Facebook.
7. I have enough yarn that my husband says I should open my own yarn shop
Seven amazing bloggers that I want everyone of you to go and visit-
I don't remember exactly when or how I came across Amy's blog, but I *can* tell you that it's been a mainstay on my list of "must-read" blogs, lol. She is incredibly gifted -She's funny and serious, snarky and sympathetic, all the while not afraid to say it like it is. She's got 2 gorgeous boys and shares pictures of them all the time. She's fun to read, she can (and will at any given time) make you laugh, cry and/or say "Exactly!" or "Whoa, been there, done that-not fun". I'ma shut up now, go read Ms. Amy!
Rachel is a truly remarkable woman. She's a knitter (which is how I got "hooked" on her blog-sorry, couldn't resist the pun!), she's a writer (her first book comes out April of 2010...watch for it!) and lives in sunny California. She's got mad skillz in her knitting (she makes gorgeous sweaters), and her writing is fantastic.
The Kerrie Show
What to say about Kerri....wow. What *not* to say? Kerrie and I go waayyyy back, lol, clear back to high school (20 yrs this year! YIKES!). We recently reconnected thru Facebook and I've been reading her blog since! She's an awesome homeschooling mom of 4, with another on the way! She's also a writer, she's got an e-book out there, as well as lots of parenting articles!
Motherhood (Oh, And Everything In Between)
I just recently started reading Danielle's blog after "meeting" her (online) thru a mutual friend we have. She took the time to indulge me in a question re: special needs kids and teachers. Danielle is a stay-at-home mom of 3, 2 boys and 1 girl. Her blogs run the gamut of topics....I especially love reading about the antics of her kiddos!
Mariposa Farm Alpacas
Have you ever seen an Alpaca?? The owner of this blog is my cousin Deborah, we grew up spending parts of our summers together and I love her to pieces! She's an alpaca owner as well as a research scientist; she dances (and teaches dance), she sings and volunteers at her local zoo, she "tweets" and is active on Facebook as well. I don't know that there's anything that she *doesn't* do, lol. Give her a read, check out her Alpacas!
Fiona's Blog
Ahhhh....Fiona. Fiona is the daughter of another cousin of mine (Hi Aimee!). There's not tons of writing on Fi's blog, but whenever you need a "pick-me-up" you will always find beautiful pictures of Miss Fi! Her mama,Aimee, is also my cousin Deborah's sister- keepin' it in the family ;-)
My Life with Aspergers
This is a blog that I've learned so much from. The keeper of this blog is John Elder Robison- also author of "Look Me In The Eye: My Life With Asperger's". I've only recently started reading it, going back to the beginning, and it's helped me to understand so much about Aspergers. His blogs have taught me how to look at situations from the POV of someone who has Aspergers and challenges me to search out alternative solutions that I encounter with my oldest.
Holy Moly.... I am truly tapped out right now! I hope you all enjoy the blogs that I've linked too :)
At least your life isn't as insane as that Laura woman!
Wait...something sounds so familiar about her.
Damn! It's me.
LMAO! Dang straight, I don't think I'd survive 7 kiddos--sometimes I think my *2* are more than enough ;-)
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